B'not Mitzvah of Arielle and Sarina Goldman
Saturday, January 11, 2025 • 11 Tevet 5785
5:00 PM - 7:00 PMArielle and Sarina Goldman – Saturday, January 11, 5:00 p.m.
Arielle and Sarina Goldman will be called to the Torah at Congregation Ner Tamid for their B’not Mitzvah on January 11, 2025, at a 5:00 p.m. Havdalah Service. The sisters joined the Temple in 2021 and the Religious School in 2022. They have been interested in learning more about Judaism since joining CNT.
Sarina is the oldest daughter of Congregant Beth Goldman and Justin Goldman. Sarina is a 9th grader at Liberty High School where she is in the advanced women’s choir called Vocé Harmonique. She is also the Vice President of the Jewish Student Union and part of the Paws for Change club at her high school. She is a great student and was part of the National Junior Honor Society in middle school. She loves to dance and currently takes Hip hop and Tap & Jazz classes at The Dance Zone.
Sarina sings a beautiful soprano in CNT’s intergenerational choir. She has participated in some of the Purim Spiels and other activities. She is very active in attending Shabbat Services. She received the Shomer Torah award in 2023 and her family was honored with holding the Torah during the last High Holidays.
For her Mitzvah Project, she is coordinating with Spread the Word Nevada (STWN). She is hosting “Flour Power” sessions and all proceeds will go to STWN. She held her first one in November 2024, plans to host another next year, and is asking you to help support STWN’s programs via her virtual book drive website: https://spreadthewordnevada.org/VBD-SARINA.
Arielle is the youngest daughter of Congregant Beth Goldman and Justin Goldman. She’s a 7th grader at Charles Silvestri Junior High School. She is a straight-A student and takes pride in her work. She is the 7th grade representative for the Student Council, part of the National Junior Honor Society, and part of her school’s drama club. Arielle loves art and has taken classes at King Art Studio for the past few years. She is very talented and creative. Like her sister, Arielle loves to dance and also takes Hip hop and Tap & Jazz classes at The Dance Zone.
Arielle recently sung in the CNT choir during the High Holidays family service, and has participated in Purim Spiels and other activities. She is very active in attending Shabbat services.
For her Mitzvah Project, she is coordinating with RxArt that finds artists, and pairs them with pediatric hospitals to make hospital spaces feel more comfortable and friendly. RxArt also published a coloring book and shipped boxes of them from New York to Nevada. Arielle donated these coloring books to three different hospitals with pediatric wards: St. Rose, Sunrise, and UMC. There is one box available for the Congregation to view and Arielle hopes CNT can support her project here: bit.ly/3VSGHeP.
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Fri, January 17 2025
17 Tevet 5785
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Today's Calendar
Candle Lighting : 4:34pm |
Friday Night Shabbat : 7:00pm |
NextGen Shabbat Afterparty : 8:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:34pm |
Friday Night Shabbat : 7:00pm |
NextGen Shabbat Afterparty : 8:00pm |
Shabbat Day
Torah Study (In Person) : 8:45am |
Bar Mitzvah of Shawn Spielman : 10:00am |
Our Jewish Heritage (Zoom) : 12:00pm |
Havdalah : 5:43pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Jan 17 Friday Night Shabbat Friday, Jan 17 7:00pm |
Jan 17 NextGen Shabbat Afterparty Friday, Jan 17 8:00pm |
Jan 18 Torah Study (In Person) Shabbat, Jan 18 8:45am |
Jan 18 Bar Mitzvah of Shawn Spielman Shabbat, Jan 18 10:00am |
Jan 18 Our Jewish Heritage (Zoom) Shabbat, Jan 18 12:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 17, 4:34pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 18, 5:43pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
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